- L. Verma R.A.S.(rtd.)
There are so many facts, related to Raigar people, which proves that once upon a time Raigar Raghuvanshi Kshatrias of Rajputana(India) were prosperous and well to do. Some of those facts are described by Chandanmal Nawal R. P. S.(rtd.) in his book “Raigar Jati ka Itihat (रैगर जाति का इतिहास )“. For example-
(1) Raigar vanshi Nanakji Jatoliya lived at Soyala village in Jodhpur district. It is an evident fact that he was a patriot, kind, benevolent and very generous man. He was also appreciated by a Charan poet(चारण कवि = Bard), saying (in Hindi) that-
दोहा –
नानग कोडी एक नंग सत रो पूत सन्देश ।
जनम थारो जटिया घर नाम नव खण्डेश ।।
हे! जटिया सतपुत्र नानगजी मैंने आप से एक रास(बैलों को बांधने या जोतने की बड़ी रस्सी) मांगी थी। लेकिन आपने मेरे साथ दयालुता का व्यवहार किया और मुझे एक के बजाय, 20 रास दान में दे दी। आज आपका नाम और दयालुता नव खण्डों में विख्यात है ।
Nanag kodi ek nang (a collection of 20 things) sat ro poot sandesh.
Janam tharo Jatiya ghar naam Nav Khandesh..
That is, even then taking birth in the Jatiya(1)family, you are famous in the whole universe.]
One day, ultimately Nanakji was called by Jodhpur Maharaja Ajeetsinghji, sending for him a ten horsed Tonga(दस घोड़ों की बग्घी ). Nanakji reached Jodhpur by that chariot(बग्घी) and presented himself before Maharaja and presented(gifted) uncounted many gold coins and 80,000 silver coins(present cost amounts approximately Rs. six and a half crores) to fight against the Mugal king.
No doubt Nanakji was the mini Bhamashah (2)of Marwar. He donated all the wealth for the sake of his nation, what he had earned in his life.
He didn’t put any desire for himself. But he requested to Maharaja Jodhpur that those some Kshatrias privileges with Turra Kalangi(तुर्रा कलंगी) etc. had been withdrawn in the past from the Raigar Kshatriya community should be reinstated. Jodhpur Maharaja accepted all his 4 requests.
(2) A civil case, Raigars v/s others belonging to Brahmans etc. was decided by the British civil court of Ajmer(British India). The honable court pronounced that the “Gau-ghat(गऊघाट )” of Pushkar (पुष्कर )was built by Raigar vanshi Badriji Bokoliya, belonging to the village Gundi in district Jaipur(Rajputana) in the year of 0989 Vikrami(0927 A.D.) .
Since in an inter-caste conflict regarding ownership of Gau-ghat, a Raigar woman belonging to Bokoliya Gotra was got death. Hence a criminal case was also under trial. But after the independence of India, It was felt to make tranquility(piece) among Raigars and Brahmans. Thus Gau-ghat(गऊघाट) renamed with the word Gandhi-ghat(गांधी घाट )by India Goverment(3).
(3) Historically it is also traced out that before 1891 A.D. Raigars, traditionally would give gifts in terms of gold coins to Brahmins. But Raigar Community underwent an incidental economic setback. Consequently, they were not in position to continue the tradition of gifting gold coins to Brahmins. Hence they began to gift silver coins coloring yellow with turmeric(हल्दी). (4)
Although, after the steap down fall of Raigar community in the first half of the 20th century A.D. Brahmans, Charans made distances from this community. But Raigars have been benevolent towards other gainers, like Jagas(Bahi bhat), Jalanies, Dadhies, Naathas, Ravaliyas, Natas etc.(5) .
Reference and comments:
(1) Althouhg the word Jatiya is not a synonym of the word Raigar, But somebody say that it is only a local nickname giving to those Raigar family who lived in Sindh Province in Pakistan and Marwar(Rajputana) and indulged in a business of Bardana(बारदाना = Jat and Jute bags = बोरियां ) mending and then supplying. On other hand somebody also say that Raigars live, like Jaat community. So that, locally they were bestowed with the word “Jatiya”.
After Independence of India the most of Jatiya families have migrated from Pakistan to Marawar and Merwara in Rajputana(Rajasthan).
Actually, Jatiyas are Raghuvanshi Kshatrias and descendants of those Rag families who immigrated in Sindh with Maharaja Jatai and they are called Jatiya after the word “Jatai(जटई )”. Thus Gotras of Jatiyas and Raigars are same. Although presently all Jatiya families have been assumed Raigar families. But it is also to be noted that Jatiyas, living in the eastern Rajputana donot belong to Raigar community. Probabily, they have any connection with Jaat community.
As per “Bairwa Samuday ka Itihas” by Mangilal Paliwal, pp. 174, it seems that the mother of Mararaja Jatai(Jethi) was Yaduvanshi. That is, she must be got married to a Raghuvanshi Kshatria.
(2) Who was Bhamashah?
After the Battle of Haldighati, when Maharana Pratap had no resources at all to carry on the fight. At this point of time, Bhamashah and his brother Tarachand, in order to generate finances (without knowledge of Pratap) attacked Mughal territory of Malwa and gathered a large booty and presented this wealth consisting of 20,000 gold coins and 2,500,000 rupees to Pratap, who was overwhelmed. With this help Maharana Pratap could organize an army and carried on his further fights against Mughals.
Bhamashah was promoted to the post of Prime Minister of Mewar Riyasat.
Whereas, what Nanagji Jatoliya gave to Jodhpur Maharaja Ajeetsinghji was his own earning only. I think he did more.
(3) Raigar Jati ka Itihat (रैगर जाति का इतिहास ) by Chandanmal Nawal pp. 66
(4) Census Report of Marwar Riyasat of Rajputana(मारवाड़ रियासत जनगणना रिपोर्ट ), 1891 , Part (iii) pp. 542
(5) Somebody can ask how it could be possible that rich Raigars became economically poorer within a short duration. But it is true. We know well that in this world, any social downfall beginning from any point of a particular society, spreads quickly in that whole society as nasturtium(Jal kumbhi). It is said that a single plant of Jal kumbhi , tying with a lower hook of a ship came from Europe to Kolkata harbour 4 or 5 hundred years ago, but now whose generations have spread all over Indian Peninsula. That is, negativity takes the least time to get superincumbent position.